2018-2020  - Master of Visual Arts, Postgraduate in Arts and Design, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.2011-2015- Bachelor of Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts and Design, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.2019- Academic Research Stay, Faculty of Fine Arts from Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. With tutorship of the professor and artist Blanca Fernández Quesada.

S O L O   S H O W

2023- Passage: Conduit / Confluence, Integral Academy of Arts, Puebla, Mexico.2022- Converging in the environment, Curation by César de la Cueva, Centro Cultural Espacio Matta (CCEM) , La Granja - Santiago, Chile. - A bluer board, Curation by Belén Fernández, ARM Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.2018-Archeologies of environment, Gallery Refuge for Visual Emergencies, State of Mexico, Mexico.

G R O U P   S H O W S   (S E L E C T I O N)

2024-Migrations, Museum of Modern Art of the State of Mexico, Mexican Cultural Center, State of Mexico, Mexico.- Space: time inhabited, Museo Galería Arte Mexiquense - Torres Bicentenario, State of Mexico, Mexico.- Nature and Resistance, Casamarilla Contemporary Art, Mexico City, Mexico.- Constelaciones II Art Fair, Casona Mier, Monterrey, Mexico.- BADA 2024, Mexico Art Fair, Mexico City, Mexico.2023- Fermín Revueltas National Call for Figurative Painting, Museum of History and Contemporary Art Palacio de los Gurza, Durango, Mexico.- Federico Kampf Biennial, Jesus Reyes Heroles Culture House, Mexico City, Mexico.- BADA 2023, Mexico Art Fair, Mexico City, Mexico.2022- 'Creación en Movimiento', Show of the Fellows of the System of Support for Creation and Cultural Projects 2021-2022, Complejo Cultural los Pinos, Mexico City, Mexico.- Arte Joven, Museo Galería Arte Mexiquense - Torres Bicentenario, State of Mexico, Mexico.
- Light of Day: Rejects Reconsidered, Lodger Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri, United States, Virtual Platform. 
- Nasty Women Revive, Nasty Women London at Open House Hackney, London, United Kingdom. - Book, Cultivate Gallery, London, United Kingdom, Virtual Platform.2021 - XII Pacific Biennial of Painting and Engraving “Javier Mariano”, Museo 7 Regiones, Guerrero, Mexico.- Destetados, Gallery Weekend Mexico, Cachorro Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico. - Kitchen Gallery Exhibition, Round Lemon-Moseley Hive, Birmingham, United Kingdom.- 25th Art Fair Art Laren, Kiwanis Club Laren, Huizen, the Netherlands.- A good understanding, few words, Haikus essays in the plastic arts, A6 Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico. - Immersion Site, Curation by Sam Light, Carrie Able Gallery, New York, United States, Virtual Platform.- Undertow, OpenArtExchange Gallery, Schiedam, the Netherlands.- Urban theories. City landscapes..., Curation by Héctor Archundia, ArtBaena Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.- Plastic Art Fanzines: Women artists with Delirious Ideas, Curation by Maximiliano Grego, Mazatlan Art Museum, Sinaloa, Mexico.2020- State of Mexico Fair Art, Museo Galería Arte Mexiquense, State of Mexico, Mexico.- This is not out of context, Adolfo Mexiac Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.- Fanzines: Plastic Artists with Delirious Ideas, Curation by Maximiliano Grego, Guanajuato Wine Museum, Guanajuato, Mexico.- IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, Francisco Villa Museum, Durango, Mexico.- Poetics of Contemporary Art, Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.2019- Poetics of Contemporary Art, Mexican Plastic Show, Mexico City, Mexico.- The Contemporary Guanajuato Collection, Noel Cayetano Gallery, Guanajuato, Mexico.- The Contemporary Guanajuato Collection, Regional Center for Artistic Expression, Guanajuato, Mexico.- Expo Fonde Arte, Museum of Watercolor, Mexico City, Mexico.- Memories of freedom, Korean Cultural Center, Mexico City, Mexico.2018- Residues or Fables of Anticipation, Curation by Guillermo Santamarina Lagunes, El Otro Mono Gallery, Morelos, Mexico.- IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, Raúl Anguiano Museum Art, Jalisco, Mexico.- IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, University Center of the South Coast, Jalisco, Mexico.- III University Fair of Art, University Museum of Sciences and Arts, Mexico City, Mexico.- 2nd Art Circuit, YLK Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.2017- 5th Anniversary, YLK Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.- Affordable, YLK Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.2016- Kozmic Blues: between control / uncontrol, Curation by Guillermo Santamarina Lagunes, BUAP University Cultural Center, Puebla, Mexico.- Biennial ‘Parameter 02’ Arte Lumen, Museum of Mexico City, Mexico.- 5th. Anniversary AFA Catalogue, Faro Oriente, Mexico City, Mexico.2015- Ten years of the Aguafuerte Gallery, Aguafuerte Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.- 'Parameter 01’ Arte Lumen, Carrillo Gil Art Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.2014- Vicissitudes of the environment, Museum of Cultures, Mexico City, Mexico.
A R T    F A I R S 2024 - Constelaciones II Art Fair, Monterrey, Mexico.- BADA Art Fair, Campo Marte, Mexico City, Mexico.2023- BADA Art Fair, Mexico City, Mexico.2021- 25th Art Fair Art Laren, Kiwanis Club Laren, Huizen, the Netherlands.2020- Mexican Art Fair,  Mexiquense Art Gallery Museum, Mexico.2018- III University Fair of Art, University Museum of Sciences and Arts UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.


2024- Winner of Stand Sponsored by Banco Azteca for the 4th. Edition of the BADA México Art Fair, Mexico City, Mexico.2023- Fermín Revueltas National Call for Figurative Painting, selection of work (painting category), Durango, Mexico.2022- First Biennal Federico Kampf, selection of work (painting category), Mexico City, Mexico.2021- XII Pacific Biennial of Painting and Engraving “Javier Mariano”, selection of work (painting category), Guerrero, Mexico.2020- Mexican Art Fair 2020, selection of work (painting category), Mexico.2020- Fortuitous encounters with you, Project of exhibitions of visual artists by the Secretary of Culture and Image Center, selection of work, Mexico.2020- Monolito Catalogue / Art Now, selection of work (painting category), Mexico.2018- IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, selection of work (painting category), Mexico.- III University Art Fair, selection of work (painting category), Mexico City, Mexico.2016- Biennial ‘Parameter 02’ Arte Lumen, selection of work (painting category), Mexico City, Mexico.2015- ‘Parameter 01’ Arte Lumen Call, selection of work (painting category), Mexico City, Mexico. 


2021 - 2022 - Young Creators in the Painting category, Fellowship of the System of Supports for Creation and Cultural Projects SACPC, Secretariat of Culture of the Government of Mexico.2019- Support Program for Postgraduate Studies PAEP-UNAM, Beneficiary for the Program in Research Stays in international institutions, held at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (October – December).2018-2020- CEP UNAM Scholarship, Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies in Visual Arts from National Autonomous University of Mexico.2016-2017- PAPIIT Project ‘Illustrated Biographical Dictionary of Women Artists in Mexico’, 19th and 20th centuries, Scholarship holder and assistant, the Institute of Aesthetic Research from National Autonomous University of Mexico. 


2018- Theoretical and practical principles of painting, Course at the Faculty of Architecture, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

A R T I S T I C   A N D   R E S E A R C H   A C T I V I T I E S

2021- The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling, Routledge Handbooks, Collaboration in the handbook cover through of painting “Displaced Nexus”. 2020- Plastic Art Fanzines: Women artists with Delirious Ideas, Editorial project. First volume of an anthology of fanzines of plastic and visual artists from Mexico.2015 - PAPIIT Project ‘Illustrated Biographical Dictionary of Women Artists in Mexico’, 19th and 20th centuries, Participant in the Seminar at the Institute of Aesthetic Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

P R E S S   (S E L E C T I O N)

May 2024- Mud Season Review, An Interview With Fernanda Morales Tovar, By Michelle Quick, Burlington, Vermont, USA.April 2024- Mud Season Review, Issue #73, Burlington, Vermont, USA.Marzo 2024

- PAC Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo, Artist Detector, Fernanda Morales Tovar "Pintar es una forma de resistencia", Madrid, Spain.

January 2024- Artists Responding To, A.R.T. Magazine Issue 9, Winter 2024, Printed Magazine, England.Noviembre 2023- Laminator Vol. 1, The Lam's New Zine FT, Printed Magazine, Chicago, USA.June 2023

- Contemporary Art Magazine, Issue 3. Color vibe, Printed Magazine, Ukranian.

April 2023- Spirit Issue 2023, The Hemlock. A Literary Art Journal.January 2023- Rising Stars: Fernanda Morales Tovar, Suboart Magazine (International Art Magazine for Emerging Artists), Online PlatformSeptember 2022- Dos artistas mexicanos se toman las salas de arte de Espacio Matta - Espacio MattaJuly 2022- Archaelogies of the Environment, Postscript Magazine (Arrival, Issue 42), UAE, AE June 2022- Five Works by Fernanda Morales Tovar, THIRD ESTATE ART, Chicago, USA September 2021- Issue o2, As Yet Untitled, Interim Arts, Printed Magazine, London, United Kingdom.July 2021- RED issue, Corbeaux Magazine, Printed Magazine, United States.May 2021- Artists responding to, Issue 9, Printed Magazine, London, United KingdomJuly 2020- Selection of Contemporary Art Works, Printed catalogue, ART HOLE 2, London, United Kingdom.December 2019- IV Biennial of Painting José Atanasio Monroy, Printed catalogue of selected work. May 2018 - Memories of freedom, Group show digital catalogue.February 2018 - Archeologies of enviroment, Solo show digital catalogue.January 23, 2018- Archeologies of enviroment by Fernanda Morales, Sol de Toluca newspaper, Mexico. January 23, 2018 - Archeologies of enviroment by Fernanda Morales, Portal Journal newspaper, Mexico.January 20, 2018- It´s inaugurated in Toluca the show: Archeologies of enviroment, Portal Journal newspaper, Mexico. May 2017- Time, Digital Magazine ‘La Astilla en el ojo’, Colombia.March 2017- Fernanda Morales / Five paintings, Rojo Siena Editorial Magazine.   April 2017- Art Works by Fernanda Morales, Monolito Literary Magazine.December 2016- Biennial ‘Parameter 02’ Arte Lumen, Printed catalogue of selected work. September 2016- Kozmic Blues: between control / uncontrol, Group show digital catalogue.December 2015 - ‘Parameter 01’ Arte Lumen Call, Printed catalogue of selected work.

C O U R S E S   A N D   S E M I N A R

2018- Seminar: Contemporary and Current Art, CENART, National Institute of Fine Arts, Mexico.2018 - Portfolio construction and self-promotion, Javier Marín Foundation, Mexico. 2017- Seminar: What else could we talk about? Interlocutions on violence and drug trafficking in the contemporary image, Faculty of Arts and Design, National Autonomous University of Mexico.2017- International Symposium Transdisciplinarity in creative projects, Postgraduate in Arts and Design, National Autonomous University of Mexico.2017- Warburg International Symposium (in / on) America: translations and projections, University Museum Contemporary Art and the Institute of Aesthetic Research, Mexico City, Mexico.2016- Seminar: Towards a critical question of painting as a medium, Postgraduate in Art History, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Taught by Daniel Montero Fayad.

Her work is part of the Mexican Collection Arte Lumen.
